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concerned.  As happy as I am to be right, I get the feeling this time it s not
a good thing.
 I shouldn t have gotten the wolf. I attacked Silver earlier.
Anthony was still shaken by the encounter. It was the first time he d
lost total control of his body. He had known it was Silver, but still couldn t
stop attacking the man he loved.
 It was your first time as a wolf among wolves. Your control will get
better with time.
Anthony jumped to his feet and started pacing.  I might get better
control of my wolf, but it won t accept Silver as alpha. Ever. You don t
understand. I attacked the man I love and I meant it!
He turned to look at the god softly glowing on the couch.
 Please grandfather, take it out of me.
Zeus pierced Anthony with his powerful gaze.  Do you remember
what I told you when I gave you the wolf?
Anthony nodded,  You said everything comes with a price. But if the
price is losing Silver, then it isn t worth it.
 I meant for removing the wolf.
Anthony froze he didn t like where this was going. He waited. He
wasn t going to be the one to bring up any ideas to the god.
Zeus stood up, towering over Anthony.
 Did you know that out of my remaining grandchildren, your magic is
the purest?
 No. He still didn t know where Zeus was going with this, but he was
smart enough to know not to encourage the god.
 The price of removing your wolf is your seed.
 My seed?
 I want to use your genetic code and create another offspring.
Anthony stared at Zeus. Of all the possibilities this one hadn t
occurred to him.
 What happens to this offspring once it s created?
 I will raise it as my own.
Anthony thought about it for a moment. Did he want to put a child of
his into existence and under the guidance of Zeus?  This was your goal all
along wasn t it?
Zeus grinned.  I thought it would take more time but you re
ridiculously attached to that wolf of yours.
The apartment door burst open, slamming against the wall.
Silver stormed through, wrapped himself around Anthony and turned
him so he was between his lover and the god.
 You can t have him back. He s mine! Silver growled.
Zeus frowned, with eyes of fire.  And who are you to go against a
Anthony could feel Silver s heart race beneath his hand.  I am his
other half and I will do anything to protect him.
Zeus laughed.
 I m glad to see my grandson has good taste in companions. I wasn t
sure about you despite Gallien s praise.
The thought of his father praising anyone was almost
incomprehensible to Anthony.
Zeus pinned Anthony with his eyes.  Do we have a deal?
 You will take good care of it?
 I will keep good care and make sure there are others to give it a well-
rounded life.
Anthony felt trapped. He couldn t end his own life it would kill Silver
and frankly he liked living. But he also couldn t continue the way he was.
The wolf didn t like Silver and eventually it would tear them apart, killing
Silver in a slow and painful ways.
It was either the love of his life or an unnamed, unknown child.
 You can have one but I want to see it when it s grown. Anthony
didn t want to give the child a sex because then it would make it a real. It
was easy to give away a nebulous creature with no form or face.
 Deal. With a wave of his hand Zeus tossed Silver across the room.
 Silver! Anthony screamed. Electricity rising in his body, he glared at
his grandfather. Anthony s hands crackled with lightning as he
instinctively sought to protect his mate.
Zeus held up his hands.  Now don t lose your temper Anthony. You
can t hurt me with lightning and I d hate to have to retaliate.
Anthony looked to see Silver already rising, apparently unharmed.
 You could ve just asked.
 I could ve. Zeus said with an evil smile.
Anthony s anger subdued. His love wasn t injured.  Go ahead and do
what you have to do.
 I already did. Zeus said.  I could ve done it from home.
Anthony frowned.  Why did you come here then?
Zeus stepped forward and wrapped his arms around his grandson.
Whispering in his ear he said,  Because I may be a bastard but I m no
thief. To take your seed from you without your knowledge is more than I
am willing to do.
 Thank you, grandfather. Anthony said and meant it.
 Don t thank me yet. Zeus released his grandson and stepped back as
he held up his palm.  Return to me, he thundered.
Anthony fell to the floor screaming. His body felt as if it was being
turned inside out. His skin felt like shards of glass were flaying it from his
bones. A silvery shape swelled over Anthony s chest until it resembled a
large wolf. The pair examined each other for a moment and then the wolf
spirit leaned forward, licked Anthony s cheek and vanished.
Gradually, the pain faded.
 Are you all right love? Silver kneeled at his side. He raised his hand
to stroke Anthony s cheek.
 He marked you. Silver said, surprised.
 Your face. He marked you.
Anthony stood up and went to the hall mirror barely noticing that Zeus
had vanished.
Anthony gasped when he looked in the mirror. A small silver paw
print glowed on his left cheekbone like a beauty mark.
 It s pretty.
Silver laughed,  It s more than pretty it means that it wasn t just any
spirit it was Lykaios. The spirit wolf of Zeus. Which is why he didn t
allow me to be alpha.
Anthony moved his head back and forth to watch the mark shimmer.
 It s a cool tattoo.
Silver reached out to touch it. The mark shocked him making him
snatch his finger back.  I think it s more than just a tattoo but we can
worry about that later. For now I m happy to have you back. You are back
aren t you?
 Yes. Anthony gave him a wide smile.  Yes I am.
Epilogue [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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