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even shared their first kiss.
When he finally pulled away, Vin stared down at her and asked,  So we leave the
past where it belongs and try to figure out how we re going to make the present work?
 Yes. Odd, but she didn t have that heavy heart she d felt earlier. Vin would be
leaving soon, but they wouldn t lose touch this time. She was certain of it. And if they d
found each other after eight years, didn t that mean Destiny might have a hand in how
their romance played out?
With renewed hope, she added,  Things happen for a reason. Let s not obsess over
this. Instead, let s enjoy our time together and see what comes of it.
He grinned.  So sensible. Untangling himself from her, he took her by the hand
and led her to the motorcycle.  How about we head back to town now?
 I could use a quick shower before we hit The Shimmy Shack.
 Why don t I pick you up at your house for our date? If you don t mind the bike.
 I love the bike, she assured him as she climbed on behind him.
He dropped her off at the boutique and she wrote out her address on a sheet of
paper, along with a map so he could find her remotely hilltop home.
She walked out with him and he held her car door open for her.
 I really am sorry about the past, he told her.
 So am I. You suffered as much as I did. We both lost our mothers. Maybe that s
one of the things that kept us connected after all this time.
 Maybe. He stared deep into her eyes as he added,  I hate that I hurt you.
Ava McKnight
She smoothed his furrowed brow with her fingertips.  I know now that it wasn t
intentional. That means a lot to me.
He kissed her one last time before he climbed on his bike and headed to the motel
to change.
As Jade drove home, she considered the bizarre twist of fate and Vin s sincere
apology. The fact that they d never forgotten each other was significant to her, adding
to the feelings she d developed for him in such a short period of time.
Conversely, his admission made it even more difficult to reconcile in her mind that
Vin was only a temporary in her life in the physical sense. Even if they did manage to
stay in touch over the phone or via the internet, that would likely be the extent of their
future relationship because of their differences in geography.
A terribly depressing thought to ponder and one she chose to push to the back of
her mind so that she could enjoy her last night with Vin.
Worth the Wait
Chapter Ten
Vin was monumentally relieved that Jade had accepted his apology and understood
about his disappearance years ago. More importantly, she now knew it had nothing to
do with her. Unfortunately, he had one more item to divulge, but what she d said about
leaving the past in the past made sense to him. She d been through enough. They both
had. The old wounds didn t need to be reopened more than they had been today.
He got what she meant by their association being different now that they were
adults. What had happened in the past wasn t really any of their own doing and it was
time to let it lie.
He d move on, as she had. It was now time to focus on the present. Maybe the
future too. If they both wanted their budding romance to work out, they d find a way,
Vin decided to believe in that logic, thinking there had to be a reason they were
both single, both waiting for that right person to come along. Well, Vin had done more
than wait around. He d sought Jade out when he could no longer stand to just think
about her and not actually find her.
He thought about all of this as he showered and then dressed in black jeans and a
long-sleeved, button-down burgundy shirt. He pulled on his boots and raked a hand
through his hair after he blew it dry. Grabbing his jacket and the two helmets, he
headed out the door.
Cami had already picked Noah up at the motel. He d left a note for Vin, saying they
intended to have dinner while Vin and Jade were at the lake and that they d met up at
The Shimmy Shack.
Vin wasn t much of a dancer, but that was irrelevant. All he cared about was
spending time with Jade. Didn t matter where they hung out, as long as they were
He followed the directions to her house, parked in the gravel driveway and
ascended the short flight of steps that led to a large porch in a medium-colored wood.
Her front door was natural wood as well, with an intricate, crystal-cut inset that
glittered from the light burning in the foyer. He rang the bell and only had to wait a
minute or so before he saw her bound down the stairs that led to the entryway.
She pulled open the door and his jaw dropped.
 Now that s the kind of response a girl likes to evoke, she said with a smile.
 Wow, Vin said.  That s some outfit, babe.
She wore a pair of black leather pants and a black, off-the-shoulder sweater. High-
heeled, black leather ankle boots with pointy toes completed her ensemble. He whistled
Ava McKnight
under his breath as he took her in from head to toe and back up. Her long auburn hair
fell over her bare shoulders and down her back in soft, silky-looking curls, enhanced by
the random streaks of gold. Her amber-colored eyes sparkled under the shimmering
light from the chandelier. She d applied a little more makeup than earlier in the day,
but still wore the neutral-colored lip gloss that accentuated her plump lips and made
them damn kissable.
Vin said,  We could skip the dancing.
She laughed.  Not a chance. I ve waited too long for a date like this. You re taking
me out tonight.
He stepped aside as she lifted her coat from the rack in the foyer, then passed
through the doorway, locking it behind her. She dropped her keys into the small bag
she carried and preceded him to the bike.
Vin said,  Sure you don t mind the helmet?
 Are you kidding? With all this hair I have, there s no chance of it going flat.
He chuckled, liking how easily she adapted to his lifestyle. How she embraced
every little adventure.
They rode back into town and she directed him to The Shimmy Shack. Walking into
the joint, he wasn t surprised that the conversation and commotion virtually came to a
standstill. Seemed to be the order of the day when he was with the first daughter of
Moon River.
She slipped her hand in his and tugged him forward, a smile on her pretty face as
she greeted the people they passed. It wasn t crowded by any means, but there were a
dozen or so folks in the bar area, sipping cocktails, and several more scattered about.
Round tables edged the dance floor, which no one occupied at the moment. A handful
of guys were off to the side at the dart board. A live band was set up in the far corner,
playing country-western music.
As they made their way to a table Cami and Noah nowhere in sight a tall, blond-
haired man approached them. He was lean-muscled and about Vin s height. He
squared his shoulders as he took in Vin and his date.
Jade greeted him with a smile.  Brian, this is Vin D Angelo. Staring up at Vin, she
added,  Brian Taylor. My cousin.
She mouthed the word deputy.
Vin bit back a laugh, but he heard the amusement in his tone as he said,  Nice to
meet you. They shook hands, Brian giving him a hard shake that told Vin he wasn t
pleased to see Vin with his cousin.
Get in line, buddy.
Granted, he hadn t experienced any problems with the sheriff while he was in
town, but he had a feeling the slightest offense would be blown out of proportion
strictly because of his association with Jade.
Brian s gaze slid to Jade.  What are you doing here?
Worth the Wait
She sighed dramatically.  I am allowed out at night, you know.
Brian s grimace was a sarcastic one.  Ha, ha. This isn t exactly your style. As his
blue-gray eyes swept over her, Vin got the impression he wasn t just talking about The
Shimmy Shack. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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