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floor number five. She stepped out and looked
Unspoken Secrets
down over the same atrium she once occupied. She
found her room, the one she once shared with
Tanner. Her hand moved to her purse and reached
in for the key. She heard it click before the arrow
connected with the magnetic latch or whatever the
hell the keycards did to unlock the door. On
instinct, she reached for her gun, forgetting she
hadn t packed one in her belt.
Her mind raced and her heart pounded. Her
forehead went to the door, right above the
peephole and she let out a sigh of relief.  You re
here. I can already feel you.
 Liar. You just heard the latch and knew I was
the only one charming enough to convince
housekeeping to let me in. He opened the door
wide and with a quick yank, grabbed a firm hold on
her forearm and pulled her inside.
* * * *
 Damn you Tanner. You could ve met me
downstairs or called me at the airport or& 
His mouth covered hers and his hands quickly
went to her waistband. He pushed her pants down
in one sleek move and helped her step out of her
panties at the same time her khakis fell to her
ankles. He all but knocked her luggage from her
hand and then kicked her loafers off before
stepping out of his. His shirt came off with her help
and he wasted little time in returning the favor.
They were, without a doubt, suddenly
undressed and wickedly nude with evidence of their
unspent passion demanding attention. After
everything, she d weighed out in her mind the
good, the bad, the sinfully delicious, and yes the
Destiny Blaine
love she couldn t wait to start her life with
Backing up to the bad, her knees met the
mattress and she motioned for him with a crooked
finger.  Come here.
Shaking his head, he pulled her to him in record
time.  Not a chance. After you left me here last
time, I plan to wear your ass out, in more ways
than one.
 You ll have to catch me first! Playfully, she
swung a pillow in his direction and he caught her
with ease as soon as she tried to jump past him.
His moan proved hungry. His growl proved
dominant and the hand he raised promised her that
he meant every word he said. He planned to spank
her and she arched her back anticipating the first
Before his hand came down on her bottom, he
playfully bit her butt cheek.  I should fuck you first
just to settle down my growing problem. It would
take the ache away.
 I doubt it, she called to him over her
shoulder.  But I d love to find out. She flipped
over and stared up at him.
He brushed a curl away from her brow.  Marry
me. He seemed shocked he d even said the words.
Opening her mouth, she started to speak but
nothing came immediately to mind. She was too
afraid to form words and almost scared of what she
might say. She might try to talk him out of it. She
felt her jaw drop and her lips part.
He slid his tongue in like he fully thought she
invited the kiss. He sealed it off with a wild
Unspoken Secrets
promise.  You ll never be bored and I ll make it
worth your trouble. Every day of your life I ll make
up for the hours you spent loving enough for both
of us. His hand started to move across her belly,
the once perfectly taut stomach was somewhat
spoiled by his seed but the two daughters they
created made it well worth the imperfection of
slightly flawed skin. Only a tiny stretch mark served
as a reminder of any children born.
She d waited a lifetime to hear him propose
never fully expecting to hear permanent words of
endearment. Now, she wasn t entirely sure what
she wanted to do about them.
Anxious eyes burned through her. He wanted an
answer and since she didn t have one, she slid her
hand down to stroke the one distraction she knew
how to provoke. Up and down, she pulled at him
until his desire left nothing to the imagination and
everything to chance.
* * * *
He gritted his teeth and stilled his focus against
tight little nipples beaded to perfection. She
wasn t going to answer so he would paddle her
little ass until she knew what it felt like to be so
sexually aroused that the need factor truly
outweighed the want factor. He moved his hand
under her and with pressure applied to the small of
her back, he helped her turn over flat against his
bended knees.
Her full breasts mashed against his flesh and
with his hands nearly burning just to touch her, he
moved one open palm to cover the entire surface
of her round behind. He snapped his wrist, almost
Destiny Blaine
popped it really, and delivered the first of several
slaps across her rear. She made more moaning
sounds followed by one or two oohs and ahs but he
never once heard her complain.
The fact that she didn t whine or whimper only
drove his desire; he needed to feed on hers and
knew precisely where he d start. His hand moved
over her ass and down her right thigh. Fisting his
cock, he moved it along her leg just enough to let
her feel the strength of his need he wanted her to
know the true desire of a hardened man. Hell yeah, [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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