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It is not a question of effort, so how can it be easy or difficult? It is a question of awakening, not a
question of effort. It is not a question of doing something. Doing, you will lose it, because you will become
engrossed in doing. If you do something, it will be easy or difficult.
It is a question of non-doing. How can non doing be easy or difficult? Non-doing is completely beyond
the world of doing. It is just being! How can being be difficult or easy? Being simply is. That is the Great
Way. The whole effort is to come to know and see the tip of the nose, just to look with clear eyes in front of
It looks contradictory but it is happening to everybody. This is what has happened to you. The faster you
go, the slower you are. Why? Because you go without seeing in front, and the goal is there! The faster you
move, the faster you are going astray.
If somebody looks at your speed you are fast, but if somebody looks at what you are missing, you are
slower. The faster you go, the slower. Don't go anywhere! Just be here -- and immediately you reach. No
space is to be traveled and no time to be transcended. Just be here! Make now and here your only mantra,
and you don't need anything else. Be now, and here. Don't go anywhere, fast or slow.
It happened:
A small boy came to school very very late. He was coming always late. The teacher was very angry and
she said, "Again? Again you are late and even more late than yesterday! And I have been telling you again
and again. You don't listen!"
The boy said, "But there was great difficulty. It is rain ing outside you see, and the road is so slippery
with mud that I would move one foot towards the school, and I would slip two backwards. It is so slippery
that the faster I tried to move, the slower I was reaching. In fact I was going in the opposite direction: one
foot ahead and two feet thrown back."
The teacher said, "You are very clever, but then how did you reach?"
The boy said, "I just started walking towards my home, that's how."
You are also on a slippery road where the faster you go, the slower is the speed -- because you are going
away. If somebody looks at the goal, then you are going astray. Your speed is dangerous, it is against the
goal, because NO speed is needed. You have just simply to stop and look.
People come to me and they say, "When will we get enlightenment? When?" If I say, "Now," they can't
believe me. And I tell you, now. If you miss THIS now, then another now, but always now. There is no
other time.
WHENEVER it happens it will happen in the now, and whenever it happens it will happen in the here.
Here and now are not two words, just like time and space are not two words. Einstein used a new term:
'spatiotime.' He made one word out of two, 'spatiotime,' because he found scientifically that time is nothing
but the fourth dimension of space, so no need to use two words.
And here and now are also not two words. Thousands of years before Einstein, mystics like Sosan were
aware of that. It is 'now-here.' These two words are to be joined, they are one, because now is nothing but a
dimension of here -- the fourth dimension. 'Now-here' is one word.
And whenever it happens it will happen in the nowhere. It can happen just now, no need to wait! But
you are irresolute and fearful -- that creates the problem.
What is the meaning of being fearful? What is the situation inside when you are fearful? You want it,
and you don't want it also. This is the situation of a fearful mind: he wants to go and he doesn't want to go
because he is afraid. He would like to but he is not certain, irresolute.
Jesus always used the word 'fear,' many times, against faith. He never used 'disbelief,' 'distrust' against
faith; he would always use the word 'fear' against faith. He said those who are not afraid, they become
faithful, because faith is resolution. Faith is a decision, a total decision. You move totally in it, it is a trust,
with nothing to be held behind, unconditional. It cannot be taken back. If you have moved totally, who will
take it back?
Faith is absolute. If you go into it, you go into it. You cannot come out of it -- who will come out of it? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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