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you and she were once married. I could've killed her."
"And now?"
Trin's deep sigh filled the room. "When I thought I lost her. When I thought she was dead. I
prayed to God every night to just give me one more chance with her." He said, moving away
from the desk and beginning to pace the room. "God answered my prayers and I messed up
again. I guess it wasn't bad enough for her to brush me off for good, though. I'll do everything I
have to to keep her with me, man."
"So, this talk was for her benefit?" Spry asked, leaning forward in his seat.
"A little, but I really thought it was time for us to get this mess cleared up. It's gone on for
too long."
Spry stood and held his hand out towards Trin. "You're right." He said.
Trin took his cousin's hand and they shook vigorously. They talked for a long while and;
though they didn't become best friends, much was solved.
Later, Trin found his wife back in the den with the phone in hand. A light smile touched his
gorgeous face as he watched her curled up in an armchair.
"So, what did you think?" She was speaking into the receiver, unaware that she was being
Marshall Greene sighed on the other end. "Honestly? Dom I couldn't put it down. It reads
like an engrossing mystery novel."
Dominique laughed. "I'm glad to hear it. I just sat down and started writing the copy after I
had lunch with Trin yesterday."
"Well, this is top story material. The man must be good inspiration for you." Marshall noted.
Dom threw her legs over the arm of the chair. "Yeah, he is good inspiration."
"Well, thanks for dropping the copy off this morning. Post production will continue after the
holiday and the story will air shortly after the interview with Trin and his new business partners."
Dom hugged herself. "Sounds good."
"Now you do me a favor and straighten stuff out with your husband."
"I'll try. Thanks Marshall."
"See ya."
Dom set her cell phone aside and leaned her head back against the chair. She closed her eyes
briefly, then opened them and looked directly at Trin. He glanced across his shoulder and pushed
the door shut.
"Can we talk?" He asked.
"Mmm hmm." Dom replied with a nod.
"I talked to Spry."
"Yeah um, what hospital is he in?"
Trin chuckled in spite of himself. "It wasn't even like that. It was good. We had a good
Dom toyed with one of her bouncy curls. "And now it's my turn, huh?"
"Our turn."
"Are you ready to really talk this time?" She asked.
"Hmph. I better be, because I want my wife back."
Dom shook her head. "You never lost me. I only wanted you to tell me what you were
thinking. That's all I wanted from the very beginning."
Trin dropped to the sofa on the opposite side of the room. "You wanted me to talk about the
times I grabbed you...shoved you...I wasn't ready. I couldn't look you in those pretty eyes and
explain why I did it. Like there would be any explanation good enough."
"Can you tell me why, now?" Dom asked, a lone tear escaping the corner of her eye. "Did
you hate me that much for marrying Spry? Or did you just hate me?"
"I never hated you, but when I found out you were married. Married Domino, to another
man. That he could...have you anytime, the way I could-I just snapped."
Dominique wiped her eyes. "But it was so long ago. We were a couple of intoxicated college
kids. You didn't have to feel threatened by that."
"Just knowing that he had you, that he'd been where I had before me. Baby, that tore me
"Trin, you knew I was no virgin when we met."
"Just knowing it was Spry." He whispered.
"Baby, Spry was never in my heart. Not really, not like you. You're the only man who's ever
been there. That's what should've counted."
"Obviously, I wasn't thinking that way."
"And now?"
Trin left the sofa. "And now, I can admit what a jealous bastard and jackass I've been." He
closed the distance between them and dropped to his knees before her. "I don't expect you to
believe much of what I say, Domino. But just so you know, I am doing everything I can think of
to help myself and understand why I hurt you like I did."
Dom cupped the side of his handsome face. "I know." She told him.
He shook his head. "No, you don't."
"I know about the therapy." She informed him, smiling when his intense dark eyes snapped
to her face.
"Ma." He groaned, bowing his head.
Dom kept her hands against his face and made him look at her. "She didn't mean to tell me,
but she couldn't bear to see this tear us apart. Don't be upset with her."
Trin pressed a kiss to her palm. "I'm not, I just didn't want you to think I was using it to get
on your good side."
"That's why I didn't say anything. And, for your information, you were never on my bad
Trin stared at her for a moment, before lowering his head to her lap. Dominique pulled her
fingers through his soft, black curls and pressed a kiss to his head.
"I um, I should apologize too." She whispered, taking a deep breath when he looked up at
her. "I should've told you about Spry."
"Domino you-"
"I should have. I'm not saying that I asked to be treated the way I was, but you're my
husband. This is something you needed to know. A secret like this...we almost didn't survive this,
Trin. You had a right to know and I should have told you. Especially when I discovered Spry
was your cousin."
Trin looked down and smoothed his hands across her thighs.
"Domino, I want to work this out. But do you think we can just end all the apologies here
and move on?"
Dom leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his forehead. "That sounds very good to me, but I
don't think I can handle being away from you much longer."
Trin's pitch black gaze narrowed and watched her closely. "You want me to move back in?"
He whispered, thinking he had misunderstood her.
"I never wanted you to move out."
Trin's mouth fell open. "Why didn't you stop me, then?"
Dom shrugged. "You seemed so set on doing it. I didn't know how to tell you that I didn't
want it."
"I'll be back tonight." He promised, pressing soft, moist kisses to her neck.
Dom started to wrap her arms around his neck, when he surprised her and pulled away.
"What?" She asked.
Trin reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, black velvet box. Dom gasped, when he
opened it and she saw her familiar, six carat Baguette diamond wedding band. "Trinidad."
She breathed. "I didn't know what happened to it..."
"When you left that night...you left it behind." He said, pushing the dazzling ring onto her
finger. "I hope you agree when I say it's time you start looking like my wife again, even if we are
still trying to work this out."
Dom pressed a kiss to his cheek and hugged him tightly.
"I love you so much Dominique." He whispered, hugging her back. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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