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her hands and her wounds from the rope burns had been
coated with some kind of sweet smelling salve. They were
healing well and no longer hurt. She had no idea what hour of
the day it was in the strange windowless room with what
looked to be a tree trunk running up into the low ceiling, nor
did she really care.
Warm tears pressed against her eyes as she sobbed out
Tyalan's name, and reflexively sent her reyn out to find her.
But there was nothing to take a hold of. Shivering in the
coldness, she floundered in the desolate emptiness like a
woman at the brink of drowning, until she felt warm arms
enfold her and draw her back against a hard chest.
Unmistakably Ammah as she inhaled his clean forest scent.
Upon Eagle's Light
by Clover Autrey
She melted into his strength, unashamed after how she'd
already wept in his arms, and eagerly accepted his
compassion and security like a starving child snatches a fallen
"Shhh, let it go..." Ammah kissed the top of her head.
But there was nothing left. She was drained of tears,
drained of spirit, drained of pride or will. It would have been
better if Lannis had taken all her reyn before Tyalan found
her. Then Tyalan wouldn't be dead ... hot moisture slipped
down her cheeks. It appeared she wasn't deplete of tears
after all.
"Where is she?" Her voice was hoarse, throat raw.
"She's here." Ammah scooted back to reach for something
and Hydeia felt immediately bereft of his strength.
He came around to kneel in front of her and gently placed
a small metal chest in her hands. As she lifted the lid, the
scent of enelm oil drifted out. Tyalan had been carefully
wrapped in a soft white cloth tied with delicate silver twine.
Ammah had prepared Tyalan's small body for the sun
ritual. An Eaglekin ritual, even though he wanted nothing to
do with Eaglekin tradition. Throat tight, Hydeia looked up into
Ammah's handsome face, seeing him anew, though he had
not changed, not really. Hydeia just hadn't known what she
was seeing before, hadn't been ready to look so closely.
He was kind and honorable and strong. Love echoed in her
head, in her heart, but was stayed at the edge of her lips.
She closed the chest with an audible click between them.
"Where are we?"
Upon Eagle's Light
by Clover Autrey
Ammah pulled back as though he wasn't certain she'd like
his answer. "A small vessel."
She didn't. "We're on water?"
"It was the safest place. We were fortunate. A captain I
know gave us the use of his smallest watercraft, a Chaim-
built slin, from his merchant fleet while they're finding buyers
for their latest cargo in port."
Hydeia fought down a rising nervousness. "You once rode
on these watercraft?"
Ammah winched at her incredulous tone. "I was employed
as a riverman, yes."
"All's well, Hydeia. We're not that far from either shore."
"From either shore? So we're in the middle of the river...?"
Her fingers clenched until they were white around the small
chest enclosing Tyalan's body.
Ammah leaned closer, resting his long hands over her
knees. "It was the safest place for you. Trust me."
Drawn into his intense gaze, Hydeia dumbly nodded. She
did trust him, more than she had wanted to.
Ammah's sorrow-filled smile fractured her worry. "Good.
The sun will set in a few hours. You'll want to prepare."
* * * *
As the sun sank to the rim of the world, Hydeia took
Tyalan from the metal chest and carried her up the ladder.
She hesitated on the open deck, staring at the rippling water
stroked in broad strands of orange and pink sunglow. Timbers
Upon Eagle's Light
by Clover Autrey
creaked as the sleek watercraft lifted in a soft roll of the dark
She glanced at Ammah, standing tall and calm, waiting for
her to take her place. Above, Uloki was perched on the cross
bar of a furled sail. His dark shape was outlined in the
lowering sun, proud and princely and utterly still.
A lark sang across the water, but Uloki did not so much as
turn his regal head.
Lights flickered across the river on both sides, a great
distance away. Hydeia breathed deep of the damp, cool air,
and pressed her dear bundle to her cheek.
She didn't have the strength to do this, couldn't. She
would. This was the last thing she could do for Tyalan. She
wouldn't fail.
Trembling, Hydeia held the eagle over her head. Her heart
felt like it was breaking all over again, a thousand tiny little
splinters that fell, stabbing her insides. "Call her!" she
shouted to the dying sun, her voice raw with emotion. "Call
her back to your embrace, brother sun. Free her from this
shroud. Let her fly!" She shouted it forcefully, without a break
in her voice, even though her throat felt like it was closing.
Sweet Koric, let Tyalan fly again in your embrace.
Tiny waves splashed against the hull. Hydeia felt herself [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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