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Why hasn t this happened before? We ve only been mated for a little while.
Why now?
 Because you hadn t claimed him before. Until you first bit him, the
additive had not been introduced to his system. Now that it has, he can t live
without it.
 So, all this time when we grounded him to his room, while we were
trying to stay away from him, we were killing him? God, Lilla, why didn t
you tell us this before? Why didn t Leyland?
 I m not sure he knew. I ve tried to explain to him what having two
mates would mean but I m not really sure he understood it.
Secret Desires 95
 But what about John and Brian? They suggested that we ground
Leyland to his room. Didn t they know? How could they tell us to ground
him to his room if they knew this would happen?
 I don t think they thought you would stay away from him, Jake.
 Isn t that what being grounded to your room means?
 Normally I d say yes, but not in Leyland s case. Sure, you can ground
him to his room but you still have to go in and 
 Get a booty call, Jake drawled, rolling his eyes. He couldn t believe
this. It was like a horror movie.
 Yeah, Lilla chuckled,  something like that.
 Thanks, Lilla. One of these days you and I really need to sit down and
talk about this tri-omega thing. I don t want something to happen to Leyland
because I didn t have the knowledge.
 Alright. Call me if you have any more problems or if Leyland doesn t
get better. If you and Lucas both claim him, he should be better in a couple
of days.
Jake hung up the phone and dropped his head in his hands. This was
unreal. His mate lay in the bedroom, possibly dying, because he hadn t
fucked him in nearly a week. How screwed up was that?
And if he, and Lucas, didn t claim him on a regular basis, he would die.
Talk about your mating bond. Jake s eyes widened and his face went white
as the implications of his bond with Leyland suddenly came to mind.
If they became separated or if one of them died, what would happen to
Leyland? Would he die? Would he be only half alive? Jake suddenly
realized that he and Lucas had to take a lot better care of themselves to make
sure they stuck around for Leyland for a long, long time.
Standing up, Jake headed for the bedroom. Time to claim his mate,
96 Stormy Glenn
Chapter 10
Lucas looked up from his position next to Leyland when Jake walked
into the room. His eyebrow raised in query at the pensive look on Jake s
face. He watched Jake walk to the side of the bed and start taking his clothes
 Jake, he whispered,  do you really think now is the time for that?
He couldn t believe that Jake was horny when their baby lay in their
bed, probably dying. How inconsiderate could he be?
 Jake! he growled as he sat up to glare at him.
 I just got off the phone with Leyland s mother, Jake said as he
dropped his jeans on the floor.
 And? What did she say? Does she know what s wrong with Leyland?
Jake nodded, lifting the covers and climbing into the bed beside
Leyland.  Oh yeah. Turns out, this whole illness thing with Leyland is our
 Our fault? What the hell does that mean? We didn t do anything.
 No, we didn t and that s just the point. According to Lilla, when we
first claimed Leyland and bit him, we introduced a genetic additive that
Leyland can t live without. If we don t regularly claim him, or bite him as it
were, he gets sick.
Lucas stared at Jake in horror.  So, we really did make him sick?
 Yep, Jake replied as he scooted down under the covers and pulled
Leyland s pale body up next to his.  She also told me that at least one of us,
preferably both of us, has to claim him on a regular basis from here on out.
 Or what? Lucas was pretty sure he already knew that answer but he
just had to hear it.
 Or he will die. It s all part of the tri-omega thing.
 Why didn t anyone tell us this? Lucas asked as he moved to the side
of the bed to start taking his own clothes off.
Secret Desires 97
 I asked Lilla that very thing. Seems that not too many people know
about it just as not too many people know about tri-omegas. When John and
Brian suggested we ground Leyland to his room, they didn t know we would
stop claiming him as part of his punishment.
Lucas dropped his shirt on the floor, pausing to turn and look back over
his shoulder at Jake, dismay written all over his face.  Jake, you know what
this means, don t you?
 Yeah, we can t ground Leyland to his room anymore.
 No! What if something happens to one of us? What happens to Leyland
 I wondered that myself. I guess we ll just have to be extra careful in
the future, both with our baby and ourselves. I told Lilla that we need to sit
down and have us a little discussion about this tri-omega thing. I don t want
to be caught in a situation like this again because we didn t know
Lucas nodded, climbing into bed beside Leyland, scooting close to him.
He laid one hand carefully over Leyland s stomach, leaning on the other
one. His gaze filled with affection and worry as he watched the slight rise
and fall of Leyland s chest.
 So, what do we need to do?
 Claim him again.
Lucas raised his eyes to Jake s.  Jake, I don t think Leyland is in any
condition for sex right now. Besides, when we grounded him, he pretty
much cut us off.
 Doesn t matter. I don t think we actually have to have sex with him. At
least, I don t oh hell, hold on.
Lucas watched as Jake rolled over and grabbed for the phone, quickly
dialing a number.
 Hey, Lilla, this is Jake. I need to clarify something real quick. When
you said that Lucas and I needed to claim Leyland again to make him better,
did you mean just biting him or claiming him?
 Biting him will help but if you really want to get the additive into his
system fast, biting him during sex is better. The endorphins that your body
naturally creates when you have sex increase the potency of the addictive.
 So, sex and biting would be best?
 Yep. Lucas could hear Lilla giggling through the phone. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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