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 Is that common? Savannah asked.
 Not really, but it s not unheard of, either, Kral replied.
 Joquin s mother is a land-dweller.
 It s true. She gave it all up to join my father s pod. They re all
very happy to this day. I swim up to California to visit now and again.
Never heard a single complaint from any of them.
 Exactly how many are there in your mother s& ah& pod?
Jewels from the Sea 51
 It s a small one, as pods go. Just her and two guys. My
stepfather s pretty cool, though. He taught me everything I know
about bodysurfing.
She was trying to think of an appropriate response when Bariah
held up a hand for silence.  What Kral is trying to say, and Joquin is
trying to obfuscate, is that we d like to start a colony here, but we
need a female figure to anchor us. Kral thinks you would be the
perfect choice, and I would venture to say Joquin and I share his
enthusiasm. However, it has become apparent that no one thought to
ask you. It seems now might be a good time to broach that tricky but
essential subject.
 We do need you. Joquin spread his palms in a pleading gesture.
He glanced at Kral, who nodded his approval.  I mean, look at the
mess our shop is in. We can t agree on anything, so nothing gets
done. That applies to every area of our lives. Without a mate, we re
like fish swimming in circles. Literally.
 I find it hard to believe you d have such difficulty finding
someone, Savannah said, shaking her head in wonder.  Granted,
you re a little eccentric, but obviously you re all very attractive men.
 See? Joquin grinned at Bariah, who rolled his eyes.  Told you
she liked us.
 We thought we d found the right one two years ago, Kral said.
The muscles in his jaw tensed.  Unfortunately, life in our pod didn t
appeal to her. She left us one afternoon and never returned.
 I m sorry to hear that.
 It s all right, Joquin assured her. Beside him, Bariah looked far
less certain.  Most things happen for a reason. If she d stayed, we all
would have suffered. She s happier now, and we re better off without
all that drama. Why go through life miserable?
 True. Savannah nodded, trying to process everything she had
seen and felt in the past twenty-four hours. Her head spun as logic,
emotion, and physical desire danced madly in her skull. However, she
sensed no onset of an actual headache. That was a relief.
52 Cassandra Pierce
Joquin continued to gaze at her, his clear blue eyes wistful.  So
what s the verdict? Would you be willing to give us a try?
 I don t know, she answered honestly.  You ve given me a lot to
think about. And I will think about it, I promise. I just can t make
such a huge decision so quickly.
Bariah sighed.  Sure. We understand.
Joquin, however, wasn t ready to give up.  Maybe we should put
it in terms you can understand better, he said.
Tentatively, he crawled across the grass, crouched beside her, and
slid his arms around her shoulders. The sweat that broke out over her
body wasn t only from the tropical sun pounding down on them. She
was acutely conscious of his nakedness as his erection jabbed against
the towel covering her.
A sharp twinge of physical arousal raced through her as Joquin
drew her close and cuddled her with genuine affection.  We want
you, Savannah. All three of us. We were hoping you would want us,
With the slightest tilt of his head and shoulders, he pulled her into
a full-on, openmouthed kiss. His lips were hot and demanding, his
tongue flavored with salt water. Savannah felt no need to resist. In
fact, she felt a powerful urge to respond. So she did.
The towel slid halfway down her body as his embrace grew tighter
and his kiss deeper. Her heart pounded with excitement, blotting out
every other sound except her own rapid breathing. Her own brazen
behavior surprised her. It was as though he or all three of them
had cast a spell on her. Was this place magical? Were they? Or was it
just because his mouth on hers, and his hands on her breasts, felt so
Bariah had taken the spot at her other side now. He, too, slid his
hands over her without a trace of inhibition. Savannah thrust her hips
forward as the two men whisked her last vestiges of shyness away
along with the towel. Delighting in the shimmer of the sun across her
Jewels from the Sea 53
torso, she lay down on the damp terry cloth. Willingly, she opened her
arms and then her legs to them.
Joquin s lips moved from her mouth back to her right breast,
picking up where he had left off in the water. His tongue circled her
nipple, sucking and teasing, while the tips of his teeth grazed her
contracting areola. When he had coaxed the first one into a state of
rigid arousal so intense it was almost painful, he moved on to its
While Savannah lost herself in that sensation, Bariah slid down
between her legs. His mouth glided along the insides of her thighs,
alternating from one to the other, then closed around the tender folds
in between. He opened the fleshy layers as gingerly as he might have
tongued apart some exotic fruit, savoring the texture and taste of a
longed-for treat. When he exposed the swelling bud inside, he bore
down with even greater enthusiasm, flicking and suckling, tugging
and prodding until she writhed with the sweetness of his torment.
 There s no rush, Joquin whispered, lifting his head and grinning
as she shuddered and whimpered.  Just relax and enjoy. We can keep
going like this all day.
To demonstrate his point, he leaned up to kiss her again. His lips
felt every bit as fresh and eager as they had before. This time, his
fingers roved over her nipples, massaging and tweaking them.
Where, she wondered, was Kral?
He seemed to hear her question, even though she hadn t spoken it
aloud. She heard the water in the lagoon slosh as he crossed to the
bank with his usual long, powerful strides.
His effect on their intimate little tableau was immediate. Joquin s
mouth left her skin, and he slid back as if to make room for his friend.
Bariah likewise paused in his attention to the lower part of her body,
his tongue pausing in the middle of a deliciously naughty sweep.
Savannah tipped her head back to look up at Kral, now towering over
their helplessly entwined forms.
54 Cassandra Pierce
His face was calm, his eyes bright with lust. The sheer force of his
desire must have been painful, to judge from his expanded girth and
the dark, mottled purple of his cockflesh. The plump tip drooled with
anticipation. Savannah lifted her arms to him as he knelt down beside
her then moved into the spot Bariah had vacated. The warm water
from the lagoon dripped from his skin and flowed over her like
another set of hands. His kiss tasted of the sea and of a simpler
world& a world she suddenly longed to join.
His urgent erection slid between her legs and penetrated her in a
single, well-placed thrust. A jolt of pleasure rocked her as Kral began
a vigorous movement in and out. Joquin and Bariah crouched on
either side of her, watching in silence. Their bare chests rose and fell [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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