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wounded in the bombing in 1986 of La Belle Discotheque, a Berlin
nightclub, after a German court issued its written opinion finding
that the Libyan intelligence service had orchestrated the attack. The
original trial had concluded in 2001 with the conviction of four indi-
viduals for carrying out the attack, in which two US servicemen and
a Turkish woman were killed and 229 persons wounded. Leaders of
the Qadhafi Foundation indicated, however, that their compensation
was a humanitarian gesture that did not constitute Libyan acceptance
of responsibility. In September, the German Government indicated
that it was engaged in talks with Libyan representatives, but at the
end of the year, no announcement had yet been made regarding a
final compensation deal.
On 19 December, Colonel Qadhafi announced that Libya would
eliminate its weapons of mass destruction programs and MTCR-class
missiles and took immediate steps to implement this public commit-
ment with the assistance of the United States, United Kingdom, and
relevant international organizations. The Libyan decision to reveal its
programs to the international community shed important light on the
international network of proliferators intent on subverting nonprolif-
eration regimes.
Libya is a party to all 12 international conventions and protocols
relating to terrorism.
1. Patterns of Global Terrorism, Appendix B:  Background Information on Designated Foreign
Terrorist Organizations, released by the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism,
U.S. Department of State (April 29, 2004).
2. Cam Simpson and Howard Witt,  U.S. Warns Terrorist Groups Against Retaliatory
Attacks: Effort Aims to Stem Strikes During War, Chicago Tribune (March 20, 2003): 5
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3. Patterns of Global Terrorism, Appendix B.
4. Warren Hoge,  Two Iranian Guards at U.N. Expelled for Filming New York Sites, New
York Times (June 30, 2004): A1.
5. U.S. Department of Justice Press Release,  Randall Todd Royer and Ibrahim Ahmed Al-
Hamdi Sentenced for Participation in Virginia Jihad Network, (Washington, DC, April 9,
2004), www.usdoj.gov/opa/pr/2004/April/04_crm_225.htm.
6. On Cuban support for the FALN, see, for example, Edmund Mahoney,  A Man and a
Movement in Cuba s Grip, The Harford Courant (November 7, 1999): A1.
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It didn t take long. While in the movies people frequently frantically
run from a disaster scene, in real life it s very different. Within min-
utes after clouds of debris washed over the site of the collapsed tow-
ers, volunteers began arriving at the World Trade Center. They were
there to help, heedless of the risks. College students handed out bot-
tles of water to rescue workers. Businessmen in suits helped people
from the scene. So many unsolicited volunteers showed up they had
to be turned away. Elsewhere, an estimated 300,000 or more people
escaped the smoke and fire of lower Manhattan on a flotilla of dis-
parate boats all with no report of fatalities or major mishaps. The
operation was a logistical marvel. Yet the evacuation was unplanned
and often unsupervised, spurred by the spontaneous actions and
cooperation of fleeing citizens and individual boat captains. No sin-
gle individual or agency was  in charge. 1 Meanwhile, professional
volunteer disaster teams began to quickly arrive from all over the
United States and other countries as well. The Javits Convention
Center was turned into their makeshift headquarters. By September
14, there was simply no more room for volunteers.
The selfless acts of the 9/11 volunteers are more typical than excep-
tional. Americans have strong volunteer traditions. This legacy could
serve the nation well in the war on terror. Many volunteer organiza-
tions, like the Red Cross, are expected to play critical roles in
responding to natural and human-made disasters. Volunteer groups
should be consulted and integrated into emergency management
planning and training. Individuals wishing to serve in a volunteer
capacity have a number of options. Some are listed here.
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Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens have agreed to accept addi-
tional responsibilities in securing the homeland. These volunteers
have joined a wide range of public and private organizations.
Government In early 2002 the Bush Administration announced the creation of the
USA Freedom Corps to marshal volunteers to  focus on three areas of
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