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175). (For this) existeth not without the spirit.
[For this H, He, symbolised in Elohim, is rather the supernal He
alone, than either the inferior He alone, or both conjoined. The nose of Macroprosopus is said in the "Idra
Rabba" to be life in every part i.e., it, the life, existeth not therefore without the influx of the spirit which
rusheth forth therefrom (See ante , Chapter I. § 15.)]
27. Through H, He, therefore, it is perfected (rather by reason of the mother than by reason of the bride, of
whom it is the soul). For the one H, He, is above (namely, designating the first understanding of the
Tetragrammaton; and the other is) the H, He, below (denoting the queen and the bride).
29. Like as it is written, Jer. xxxii. 17: AHH ADNI IHVH, Ahah, Adonai, Yod He Vau He: "Ah, Lord
Jehovah," &c., where there is a cohesion of the connecting links (that is, in the word AHH, Ahah , those two
HH, He's, are combined which elsewhere are the media of the connecting path). For by the spirit is made the
connection of the balanced equilibria (that is, of the combinations as well of the father and mother as of the
Microprosopus and his bride).
29. (Now the author of the "Siphra Dtzenioutha" descendeth to the inferior paths, leaving out Macroprosopus,
and examineth the name IHV, Yod He Vau. In this are represented father and mother and Microprosopus.
And first occurreth) the supernal I, Yod (the symbol of the father), which is crowned with the crown of the
more Ancient One (that is, whose highest apex denoteth the highest crown, or Macroprosopus; or, according
to another reading of the passage, "which is surrounded by the secret things" that is by the influence or beard
of Macroprosopus, which covereth both the father and the mother). it is that membrane of the supernal brain
which, on account of its excellency, both shineth and is concealed. (Concerning this matter further, see the
"Idra Rabba," § 58.)
30. The supernal H, He (then presenteth itself), which is surrounded by the spirit which rusheth forth from the
entrances of the galleries (or the nostrils of Macroprosopus), that it may give life to all things.
P. The supernal V, Vau, is that tremendous flashing flame (which is the beginning of Judgment, seeing that
doubtless hitherto the Microprosopus existeth in the mother) which is surrounded by its crown (namely, the
32. And after are the letters taken in extended form (so that this name is written at length, in this manner: VV,
Vau, HH, He , IVD, Yod, which form, when it is perfect, is usually called BN, Ben, because its numeration is
52), and in Microprosopus are they comprehended (seeing that then he embraceth his bride).
[See Introduction, page 33, Table showing the writing of the Tetragrammaton in the four worlds.]
33. When (this form) beginneth, they are discovered in the cranium (namely, these letters, and therein are
they distributed in the most supernal part of Macroprosopus).
["In the cranium" (or skull), BGVLGLThA. Begolgoltha, or in Golgoltha. In the New Testament it is worthy
of note that Jesus Christ (the Son) is said to be crucified at Golgotha (the skull): while here, in the Qabalah,
Microprosopus (the Son), as the Tetragrammaton, is said to be extended in the form of a cross, thus
in Golgotha (the skull). The text above says, at the end of section 33, "of Macroprosopus"; but I think this is
a misprint for "of Microprosopus."]
34. Thence are they extended throughout his whole form (from the original benignity), even to the foundation
of all things (namely, as the soul of the inferiors). 35. When it is balanced in the pure equilibrium (that is,
when the white locks of the most holy Ancient One send down the lights or names) then are those letters
equilibrated. (That is, from their virtue cometh the light.)
[The "lights or names" are the ten Sephiroth and the Divine names associated with them (see Introduction),
which are (with the exception of the first Sephira) comprehended in the Tetragrammaton IHVH.]
36. When he is manifested in Microprosopus (namely, Macroprosopus), in him are those letters, and by them
is he named.
37. IVD, Yod, of the Ancient One, is hidden in its origin (that is, the father, who is usually symbolized by I,
Yod, and is himself also called the Ancient One, is shrouded by the beard of Macroprosopus; or otherwise.
Instead of that manner in which the other two letters duplicate their literal parts e.g., HH and VV I, Yod, by
reason of his very nature, cannot be expressed by this duplication, but remaineth one and alone), because the
name is not found; that is, because if II be put, it can no longer be pronounced as I, Yod; therefore is it written
[The "Ancient One" is one of the titles of Macroprosopus, the first Sephira. But the letter I, Yod. of the
Tetragrammaton is referred to the second Sephira, Chokmah, which is also called the Father. See
Introduction, § 67.]
38. HA, He, is extended by another (He, as it is written HH in open and plain writing; but also it is sometimes
written in another way, HI, also HA; the one in the name OB, Aub, the other in the name MH, Mah), and in
the feminine symbol it denoteth the two females (namely, the supernal mother and the inferior mother; the
understanding and the kingdom). And it is discovered through the forms. (That is, when the beard of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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