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"Buck up, Lairgan. I haven't let them catch us yet? Now have I?"
"True. Lairgan recovered his nerve; his faith in Faerwald undiminished.
"Lairgan, get his weapons. He doesn't need them now."
Lairgan removed Todd's swords from the harness, tossed them away, and fumbled
with the axes.  I can't get them at this angle."
"We'll drag him loose. Faerwald wiped his saber clean and sheathed it.
Lairgan shoved a tree branch under the horse, lifted it up, and held it.
Faerwald grasped the leather shoulder straps of Todd's weapons harness and
extracted him from beneath the fallen animal.
The lycan armsmaster stifled a scream at the drag on his broken shoulder, and
coughed up more blood. Faerwald dropped him in the snow beside the horse,
shifted form to put as much power behind his next blow as he could, and
stomped Todd's leg, breaking it.
Todd cried out, which brought on another fit of coughing. Blood dribbled from
the corners of his mouth.
"Clennan wants to decorate his solstice tree with your head. Faerwald drew
his saber.
"It will make a fine ornament, Faer. Lairgan sauntered to his companion's
side, eyeing the fine workmonship of the large crescent heads of Todd's
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kendaryl axes with their silver inlays.  Nice axes. I think I'll keep them."
With a final flare of his old stubbornness, Todd dragged his good foot beneath
him and rose, determined to get one blow in before he died. The stubs of his
fingers brushed his axe haft. Blood running down his arm made his grip
slippery as he tried to make his damaged hand pull it from his belt.
Lairgan's eyes widened in astonishment. He backhanded his blade into Todd's
side, the sharp steel biting deep between his ribs. Todd jerked, gasping. His
legs buckled, sending him to his knees. Todd's hips settled on his heels and
his mangled hands clutched at his ribs and chest. He threw his head back and
howled the lycan death scream.
"There's no one around to hear you, old sod. Faerwald leveled his saber at
Todd's belly.  Clennan wants you gutted like Belgair."
Todd's chin sank to his chest and rested there, his eyes half-closed and his
shoulders drooping. Breathing became more and more difficult with each passing
moment. Blood filled the lower half of his lung, and the building pressure in
his chest began collapsing the rest of it. His severed spleen flooded his
clothing with crimson. Dizziness and exhaustion pulled at him. His vision
grayed around the edges.
"I want to watch his eyes when you put it in his belly. Lairgan tangled his
fingers in Todd's hair and pulled his head back.  We've never killed a legend
"They all look the same when they die. Faerwald regarded Todd, his mouth
pursed. He took a firm grip on Todd's harness to hold him steady so that the
big lycan did not topple over before Faerwald could get his business done.
The jingling of caparisoned horses in the quiet morning announced new
arrivals. Darcy and Kynyr rode into the clearing. Lairgan released Todd's hair
and withdrew to give himself room to deal with the newcomers.
Todd's head bobbed on his neck like a daisy on a broken stem as he lifted it.
His lips moved, and he exhaled Kynyr's name.
"Bloody, goat-fecking bastards! Darcy sprang from her mount, and stalked
toward the duelists with Kynyr following close behind.
"Give him a bellyful, Faer. Lairgan observed dryly.  We've got more
"The cripple has come to fight? Faerwald eyed Kynyr, incredulous at seeing
how he moved with the authority of a lion and no trace of a limp. The duelist
smelled a deception, understanding Todd's reason for saying that Kynyr would
kill him.  Whatever your game is, I play it better. I'll gut Todd before you
can reach me."
"Do it and die. Ossian emerged from the shadows with a crossbow leveled on
Faerwald. Mary stepped around him, the bottom of her skirts tucked into her
belt to free her legs.
"Another pair of customers. Lairgan's laughter masked his annoyance at seeing
the crossbow pointed at them again.
Kynyr touched Darcy's arm and halted her.  It's Ossian's move."
She gave him a doubting look, and waited.  He better make it a good one.
Darcy inclined her head toward the dead horse.  Looks like the horse fell on
Todd and they cut him up there. Bastards."
"It's a duel. Faerwald kept his grip on Todd's harness as he watched Ossian
"I'd call it murder. Ossian took another step toward them.
Faerwald's eyes slewed sidewise at Lairgan with a slight nod. Lairgan's wrist
twitched. A knife flashed from his fingers, striking Ossian in the chest. The
lawgiver staggered and triggered the crossbow, but the bolt flew wide as he
fell. Ossian lay half-curled in the snow, his fingers clutching at the blade
protruding from him, his breathing labored.  Murderers."
"You're learning, Lawgiver. Lairgan's lips tightened.  Pity it's going to be
a fatal lesson."
Kynyr cursed and glided across the clearing; his ginger blond hair bloused
around his face like the mane of a hunting cat. Darcy walked to his right with
enough space between them that they would not get in each other's way.
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"Wait your turn, Kynyr. Lairgan moved to intercept the prince before Kynyr
could reach Faerwald and Todd.
Faerwald shoved his blade into Todd's belly, gave it a savage twist, and drew
it across to make a mess of his guts.  Finished here. Who's next?"
Todd shuddered as the sword was withdrawn from him, blinking dull-eyed at his
severed entrails bulging through the long tear. He swayed for an instant when
Faerwald released his harness, and then crumpled to lay staring at the sky,
his blood spreading through his clothes and staining the snow around him. His
thoughts turned to Cahira and how much he loved her; recalling her face again
through the eye of memory.
Seeing Faerwald open Todd's belly sent a shock through Kynyr. He went cold as
a winter storm inside; clarity took hold as crisp and sharp as ice, and his
pace slowed to a cautious walk.
Mary screamed Todd's name, scrambling to his side. Small animal noises of
suffering emerged from far back in his throat and the slight gleam in his
otherwise dull eyes was the glazing of pain. Her fingers brushed his face, and
then she lifted her eyes to stare hatred at Faerwald.  You cold-hearted
She spit in Faerwald's face.
He flicked her a condescending smile.  You have so many pretty bitches, Kynyr [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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