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secrate the waters without also having two traveling companions, dom to make any liturgical, hierarchical or theological rules that they
one of at least the Second Order and another of at least the First wanted. In many ways it was like the separation of Federal and State
Order. Since it was very unlikely that three such graduating Druids government in the USA; with the Council being the Federal govern-
from Carleton would go on to the same graduate school, it appeared ment and the local groves (including Carleton) being the States. The
that Druidism couldn t technically ever leave Carleton. only thing the groves couldn t do was to claim that all the rest of
For some reason, the possibility of carrying pre-consecrated Wa- Reformed Druidism also had to follow their own modifications. Any
ters was never discussed. Instead, the informal decision was made dissenters in the grove could leave or even step forward to be or-
that a missionary Third Order Druid has the right to perform the dained into the Third Order, choose to schis from the group, and
ceremony in absence of an already consecrated Preceptor and Server. then form their own equally independent grove. Thus if Berkeley
This decision had a precedent (not that precedents are needed or wanted all of its grove members to declare themselves as Neo-Pagan
respected in the RDNA) in the way that Fisher (originally the only to serve their own needs, there was nothing the Council could do
 consecrated member of the Carleton Grove) ordained the first 2nd about it, except to grumble about their exclusionary actions. What
and 1st Order Druids into existence. This was vaguely referred to in the Council could do was hope that the Berkeleyites would show
the Council decision on 27 January, 1965 which stated: enough independent will of their own, which they did. But if Berke-
ley wanted all of Reformed Druidism to declare itself Neo-Pagan,
 That any priest has the right to conduct worship and then the Council would have to discuss and then vote on it.
receive members into the First and Second orders. It should be noted that the individuals of the Third Order, while
given the privileges of holding services and ordinations, are nowhere
With this obstacle to growth now removed and already tested at the granted control of the grove in matters of theology. Nowhere in the
Vermilion Grove of S.D. by Nelson and Frangquist in Wisconsin in laws or traditions does a Third Order Druid have the right to tell
the Summer of 1964, the missionary expansion of Reformed Druid- someone that they are a  heretic to Reformed Druidism. While a
ism can be said to have begun.123 Third Order could theoretically opt to withhold services and ordina-
tions until their parishioners agreed with her or him, such actions
would be generally considered  un-Druidic or at least a poor way to
Great Amounts of Freedom Established For
Great Amounts of Freedom Established For
Great Amounts of Freedom Established For
Great Amounts of Freedom Established For
Great Amounts of Freedom Established For
resolve internal disputes. I believe that the Records of the Council of
Dalon Ap Landu, are firmly silent on the powers of individual Thirds
Each resolution further limited the numbers of distracting cos-
to prevent any legal precedent for enforceable personality cults cen-
metic touches to ritual or organization that could be lobbied for  of-
tered around one individual s personal beliefs. You can have a char-
ficial approval. That type of bowing and begging to central authority
ismatic Arch-Druid, but they should have a following based on love
would distract the attention of the Druids from the virtues of careful
and understanding, not on fear of organizational rules/dogma. En-
introspection and self-reliance. An example of this is that the con-
trusting theological issues to the total Council, would by default,
tents of the Order of Worship were never described as firmly fixed in
keep the groves of the Reform open and free of local dictators. If this
the Council s records.124 There is no phraseology there that limits
wasn t the original intention, it certainly was the eventual effect.
anyone from building upon or subtracting from the liturgy. One
essentially had absolute freedom to fool around with it, although few
The Druid Chronicles and Green Book of
The Druid Chronicles and Green Book of
The Druid Chronicles and Green Book of
The Druid Chronicles and Green Book of
The Druid Chronicles and Green Book of [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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