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sweetie, Susan said, patting her on the shoulder.
 Oh. Yes. You too, Susan. I ll see you next week, she mumbled, her eyes trained
straight on Cooper. She heard Susan laugh as she said goodbye and left the two of them
Cooper slowly walked toward her. He didn t say a word, just kept smiling that
small half-smile. The one that made her heart flip and jitters settle in her tummy with
just one look. The one that made her want to attempt a Serena Williams move and try
and leap across the counter that separated them and fling herself into his arms.
Instead, she attempted to be smooth. She wasn t about to show him how much he
affected her. Let him work at it. Let him explain himself. No way was she going to show
her emotions. She was cool. She was calm. She was in control&
 Where the hell have you been? she cried out and did her version of Serena by
hopping on the counter. That was as far as she could take it.
When he rushed to the counter and pulled her the rest of the way across, she
grabbed him, and mentally calling herself a shameless hussy, kissed him with every bit
of pent-up frustration, anger, and love she had in her heart.
 Baby, I m sorry. I know. I know. You have every right to be upset with me. I
wanted to see you, but I needed to clear my schedule, so that I could spend time with
you. I tried to tell you that when we spoke on the phone. Didn t you believe me?
Cooper asked around her kisses, one hand stroking the length of her locs.
 Yes, but I didn t know what to think. I thought you didn t want me, that it was just
a one-night stand, that you&  The rest of her rant was smothered by his kiss. He lifted
her from the counter, and with her legs wrapped around his waist, he walked
backwards to the door, and turned the lock.
 No interruptions from Walter this time, he said, and lifted her butt higher on his
hips and strode purposely in the direction of the employee lounge.
Design of a Lifetime
 Where are we going? she asked, as though she had no idea where they were
headed.  Turn off the light just in case Walter does come by, she said, and felt the tips
of her ears burn when he lifted his head from kissing her neck to give her a look.
 No use in getting busted for no reason, she said, and moved her neck, giving him
the signal to nuzzle her again.
 No. What I have planned for you is illegal in a few states I think, he said and
laughed when her eyes grew large in alarm.
 Oh Lord, was her only response.
* * * * *
Damn, he missed seeing her. It had only been a week, but it sure felt a lot longer. As
he carried her through to the employees lounge, he couldn t stop kissing her.
After shouldering his way into the room, he slowed down and allowed her body to
ease down the length of his. When he broke their kiss, he took her round face between
his hands.
 Karina, I m sorry. I didn t mean to hurt your feelings or make you wonder what
was going on. I have a tendency to charge ahead and I get tunnel vision sometimes. It s
something we ll work on.
Karina looked at him, and he saw the doubt flash in her eyes before they cleared.
 It s as much my fault as yours. This is new, and I tend to wallow in self-doubt. I could
have just as easily expressed how I was feeling instead of hiding my feelings.
Pretending that I was cool with everything, including you having your sister hire me to
redesign her site.
Cooper wondered when she d figure that one out.
 How d you know it was my sister? Do a little cyber hunting? he ventured a
 It wasn t that hard Cooper. Any amateur could have found out the connection
between you and Angela. Why d you do it? And notice I m not flogging you about
Kimberly Kaye Terry
sending business my way.  By any means necessary is my personal motto. Send me as
much business as you want! she told him and shrugged, a half-smile on her pretty lips.
He laughed out loud. He d worried how she d react when she figured out it was his
sister. He hadn t wanted her to think he was buying her off, and had even thought
about asking his sister to use a different last name, but knew if he did, he would never
hear the end of it.
 When we first met, you were depressed about losing a client to a competitor. I
knew my sister wanted to expand her business and needed someone to help her with
her site.
 That s it. That s your entire explanation?
Cooper laughed.  What else do you want me to say, baby? Two women I love
needed me. It s a no-brainer as far as I m concerned.
 What? What two women you love? she asked, and pushed away from the luring
temptation of his lips.
 I know what I said, Karina. He pulled her closer and leisurely kissed her. He
caressed her lips with a smooth glide of his tongue.  Ummm. You taste so good. Have I
told you how good you taste and how much I missed you?
It took everything she had inside, but she pulled away from his sexy mouth, and
stared dumb founded at him.  No way. You can t just say something like that and start
kissing on me like that.
 Why not? Don t you love me?
 Cooper, let s stop for a minute. I can t think. We just met, no way are you in love
with me. I mean, I have a lot of things to work on, I promised I d start dieting, my
business is just getting off the ground, then there s my addiction to Little Debbie
Oatmeal Creme Pies, and& 
 Karina. Do you love me?
Design of a Lifetime
She stopped. Here she was babbling about Little Debbie, once again, and he s
proclaiming his love for her, asking her if she loved him in return. What in the world
was wrong with her?
 Yes. I love you, she said.  But I think it s too soon, I don t know you as well as I
should, we probably should take it slower& Liza says we should get to know each
He swallowed the rest of her diatribe with a tongue-scorching kiss.
Cooper picked her up and carried her the short distance to the table in the middle
of the room and planted her on top.
 To hell with the rest, Karina. This is about you and me. Not anyone else. I don t
give a damn what Liza says or thinks. This is personal, he said as he lifted her ass to
pull her jeans down her legs. With impatience bordering on savageness, he ripped her
favorite pink panties in half.
 Damn it, Cooper, those were my favorite panties! You owe& ohhhhh! she
finished on a long sigh.
Right in the middle of her rant, he spread her legs, separated her vaginal lips, and
licked her with a long, slick stroke. Karina spread her legs further apart, one leg
dangling, the other hooked over his shoulder as he ate, licked, and rubbed his face in
her pussy. She felt greedy. She wanted everything he had to offer.
He gave her what she wanted. With her legs spread so far apart, she was wide
open, and he took full advantage of her. One of his big hands went beneath her sweater
in search of one her breasts and the other toyed and played with her pussy as he laved
the hard nub of her clit relentlessly.
He worked two fingers into her the tight opening as he continued to lick and eat her
out. She was on the brink of orgasm, and he worked her over in earnest. Within
moments, she screamed and came so hard her entire body bucked off the table. Cooper
kept his mouth over her entire pussy the whole time she was coming, relentless in his
desire to give her what she needed. What she craved.
Kimberly Kaye Terry
When she finally slumped back on the table, the orgasm leaving her totally spent,
he stood and all she heard was the rasp of his zipper. The next thing she felt were her
thighs grasped and spread apart before she felt his hard cock impale her.
 Cooper! she cried.
She felt stuffed. She d forgotten how big he was. How he filled her like she d never [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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