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campaign, so it seems the Merry White House will have new residents soon.
 Serves them right, Fancy murmured.  But I don t care about them right now. I just want to see
 I ll take you to him, hun, Sara said sympathetically.
The drive took forty-five minutes, and instead of going directly to the hospital, Sara took the street
that would lead to her building.
 Why are we going here? I thought we were going to directly to the hospital? Fancy asked.
 I thought you would want to freshen up after flying and layovers all night.
 Uh, no, I just want to see Tate. Fancy felt her irritation begin to rise.
 I understand that, sweetie, but I am sorry to say you kind of look like you have been ridden hard
and put away wet. Plus you kinda don t smell the freshest.
 Gee thanks, Fancy muttered.
 I have to run and put a note in the window of the cake shop anyway. We are getting a bit behind
on sales. Thank God you are home. I am just good for being a helper. Tell you what, you go put the
sign up and let everyone know you re back, and I ll run our bags upstairs. I know you keep some
clothes in the back. You can change, and we will go to the hospital, Sara suggested.
 Fine, fine, Fancy said impatiently.
They pulled up in front of the building, and Fancy s mouth dropped open in surprise. Gone was the
peeling paint of her building, and now it was painted a gorgeous dusky rose. The cake sign had been
updated, and even the flowers outside had been replanted. Two new large clay pots held trees on
each side of the doorway, and everything seemed to gleam in the sunlight.
 When did this happen? Fancy asked in amazement.
 Tate finished it a few days ago, Sara said with a smile.
 Oh my God! Did he get hurt doing this?
Sara didn t answer that question.  Go inside, honey. Put the sign out and get changed. I ll be back in
a sec.
Fancy walked numbly up to the door of her bakery and used the keys on her ring to open its doors.
She stepped inside and saw the fresh new paint on the walls, the countertops gleamed, and now
there was a section where people could actually come in for dessert and coffee.
 When did they have to time to do this? Fancy wondered out loud.
 When you left me alone and bored. So I had to do something. Tate s voice caused her to turn
slowly. There he stood in all his glory, looking as handsome as ever in a Fantasy Cakes apron,
putting a tray on the counter.
 Tate? she whispered softly and threw herself into his arms. Fancy began to kiss his face and
looked at him to make sure he was not injured like she thought before she started smothering him
with kisses that punctuated her words.  Oh, Sara said you were in the hospital, and she called me
stinky! I rushed here from New York expecting you to be hurt, and here you are making over my . . .
Fancy pulled away from him slowly and took a step back. Her eyes narrowed to slits, and she began
to speak slowly.  You were never hurt, were you? This was all a trick to get me back in Merry.
Tate had the sense to look ashamed.  Yes, it was all a sham, Fancy, but I did it for the best of
Fancy was seething, and she spoke the words through gritted teeth.  Which are?
 I missed you so much, and I was moping, like I said. Sara came up with this idea, Tate explained,
throwing Sara under the bus for the plan they both came up with.  But we love you, sweetheart, and
we wanted you home.
 So you decided to dream up a fake injury, causing me to lose ten years of my life and probably gave
me crow s-feet around my eyes from crying all night to get me to come back. Fancy looked around
for something to throw. The only thing she could find was the trays of lipcakes that were on the
 You look beautiful, baby. Did I mention that you are by far the most gorgeous woman I ever met?
Tate said hopefully.
Sploosh. The first cake hit his chest and exploded in an array of chocolate and cream.
 Fancy, I love you! Please don t get that upset!
Sploosh. Another cake missile hit its target as Fancy threw them one after another.  Do you know [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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