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 What did you get? Brock asked, eyeing the large paper bag Calvin put on the seat. Brock reached for it, but had his hand slapped away.
 All will be revealed in good time, beautiful.
 Seatbelt, Brock said, smirking at his passenger, who flipped him the bird.
* * * *
They d just found an open stretch of country road and Brock was stepping on the gas when a clunk came from somewhere, followed by
clouds of steam billowing up from under the hood.
 Fuck! Brock slowed and pulled over.
The engine continued to grumble as the coolant boiled, and there was an unpleasant odor of hot antifreeze. Brock had no idea how the hell
he would be able to afford the cost of a tow, let alone the garage bills. Assuming the heap of junk could be fixed. Brock closed his eyes and let out a
long breath. This wasn t happening.
 Well, Calvin eventually said,  at least it s a different angle to  oh, we seem to have run out of gas .
 Shut up, Brock mumbled. He didn t need Calvin s sarcasm.
 Sorry. The cab fell silent for a couple of minutes. Then Calvin asked,  Are you with Triple A?
Eyes still closed, Brock shook his head.
 Good thing I am, then.
Brock heard the beeping of keys on a cell phone.
 What you doing? Brock asked, opening his eyes.
 Calling for a tow truck.
 But I can t 
 I m covered. Don t worry. Yes, hello. We ve broken down on the&  Calvin asked Brock where they were, Calvin relaying the information to
the dispatcher.
A couple of minutes later Calvin hung up and said that someone would be with them within the hour.
 Thanks. Brock closed his eyes again. What had started out as a perfect date was now ruined.
Brock didn t respond.
 It ll be okay, man. Help s on its way.
 They won t be able to fix whatever it is by the roadside. Brock s voice was flat.  All they ll do is tow us to a garage and  Brock left unsaid
the bit about how he wouldn t be able to afford the cost of repairs.
 It might not be as bad as you think. Calvin took Brock s hand and gave it a squeeze.
Brock s eyes shot open.  Shit!
 What? Calvin let go of his hand.
 I was supposed to pick Junior up from camp tomorrow, go see him play and 
Calvin took Brock s hand again and kissed his knuckles.  I can drive you there in my car. That s not a problem. He started rubbing his thumb
along Brock s fingers.
Brock slumped back against the seat.  I m such a fucking failure. In business. To my kid.
 No, you re not.
 What the hell would you know? You ve always had money, you ve always&  Brock snapped his mouth closed; it wasn t fair to take it out on
Calvin.  Sorry.
 It s okay. Calvin twisted round, worked his left arm behind Brock, and pulled the man toward him.  We ll work something out. Honestly, it s
going to be all right.
Brock didn t see how. Unless.  You re not paying for it.
 I won t let you pay the repair bill. No way.
Calvin let out a breath, Brock was sure that was what Calvin had had in mind.
 You can t keep bailing me out. I ve gotta do this myself. I can t rely on you all the time.
 Brock, you re not Will Kane. You don t have to do it all yourself. Unlike the marshal, there are people who will help you.
 And what s going to happen the next time something else goes wrong and you ve gone back to New York? I have to take care of myself and
my kid. He shivered.
Calvin gave him a squeeze.  How bad is it? The debt I mean?
Brock buried his head in Calvin s shoulder.
 Brock? Calvin rubbed his spine.
 Fuckin bad. Brock let out a breath.  It s got to where I don t answer the phone no more.
 That s why you had to leave a message on the machine. I was home, but I screen most of my calls.
 Oh, Brock.
 They re fuckin relentless.
Calvin began to rub circles on Brock s back.  They ll go after any assets they can, such as the business, especially if it s in your dad s name.
 What about his house?
 And yours?
 Rented. Brock thought he might as well come completely clean.  And I m behind with the rent, and the landlord is starting to make noises
about eviction.
 Oh, fuck.
 You ll have to declare bankruptcy.
Brock didn t answer.
 John, look at me.
The unexpected use of his given name had Brock disengaging from Calvin, opening his eyes, and looking at the man.
 You have to. You ll lose the business anyway, but at least declaring yourself bankrupt will clear your debts, help you start again.
 And do what? I m a failure. I failed my daddy, my 
 Stop it! Calvin shook him.  You did the best you could.
The two fell silent. Brock started to shake again, both from the cold and from the fact he didn t know what to do.
Noticing this, Calvin pulled him back into a hug and held him tight.
Right away Brock felt safer.
* * * *
Through the rear-view mirror Brock saw a set of headlights approach and slow down. The tow truck moved in front of them and parked. The
driver got out of his cab and started toward them. Despite the passage of time, and the man s increase in weight his bulk barely contained by his
grease-stained T-shirt Brock recognized him instantly.
 Fuck! Could this day get any worse? Mean Mitch Madison had come to tow them. Mitch was the baddest, meanest, most evil SOB of
Parish Creek High during their time there. Brock disengaged from Calvin and climbed out of his truck.
 Stay in here, Brock growled. He had to keep Mitch away from Calvin, somehow. The man had been Calvin s worst tormenter.
 Howdy, Brock. Heard someone had broken down, Mitch said through his chewing jaws. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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