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She felt his chuckle when one of the guys said,  I m hungry but I think you charred the burgers,
Kate bolted upright in bed. Disoriented, she checked the clock on her nightstand. Two a.m. The
delicious soreness in her joints at least relieved her that she hadn t been dreaming about Mike s crew
again. She d really done it. She d taken them all and loved every second of it.
So why did she feel like crying? Why did she feel more alone than ever?
 Everything okay? The tender question from her right terrified her. If she looked, and he was just
a figment of her imagination, she didn t think she could survive.  Babe, are you all right?
She sobbed in relief. To hell with hiding her feelings any longer. He d shown her the beauty of
trusting your lover enough to bare your soul. Your desires. And what she desired most was lying in
bed with her right now.
 Oh God. Were we too rough? Where does it hurt? Mike knelt beside her, cupping her cheeks in
his palms.
She shoved his hands away, not wanting to give in to the temptation they would surely bring once
he realized she hadn t been injured.
 It will only hurt if you leave me, she whispered, surprised at the scratchy tone of her voice,
hoarse from her earlier screams.
 Leave you? Kate, why the hell would I leave you? He flipped on the bedside lamp, then
returned to peer into her eyes.  You don t get it, do you? All the time we ve spent together this
summer laughing, working and wanting each other only dug me deeper. I wasn t asking you out
just to sleep with you. I m not going anywhere& unless you make me.
 Never. Her heart raced ten times faster than it had by the pool. She wanted to give him the
world.  So, what s your wildest fantasy?
 I d&  He cut off then blew a breath toward the ceiling, unable to finish.
 What could you possibly be afraid to say after what we just did? She trailed her fingertips along
his cheek.
Mike s sheepish grin sent shivers along her spine.  I d like to make love, sweet and slow. Then
build something lasting. In this house& with you.
 That s a dream I share. Make it come true. For us both.
He lowered her to the bed then covered her eyelids with tender kisses. She welcomed him home
with open arms.
About the Author
Jayne Rylon s stories usually begin as a daydream in an endless business meeting. Her writing
acts as a creative counterpoint to her straight-laced corporate existence. She lives in Ohio with two
cats and her husband who both inspires her fantasies and supports her careers. When she can escape
her office, she loves to travel the world, avoid speeding tickets in her beloved Sky and, of course,
Jayne is a member of the Romance Writers of America (RWA), the Central Ohio Fiction Writers
(COFW), International Heat and Passionate Ink. To learn more about her, please visit
www.jaynerylon.com, send an email to contact@jaynerylon.com or join in the fun at International
Heat, http://internationalheat.wordpress.com.
Look for these titles by Jayne Rylon
Now Available:
Dream Machine
Nice and Naughty
Night is Darkest
Three s Company
Some secrets refuse to stay hidden.
Night Is Darkest
© 2009 Jayne Rylon
Lacey Daughtry s perfect weekend is interrupted by tragic news of her brother s murder in the line
of duty. Plagued by a rash of mysterious phone calls, she turns to her brother s best friends and fellow
officers for protection& and comfort.
Spending time in close contact with Mason and Tyler, the two men she s dreamed of since her
first girlhood crush, seems like the answer to a prayer. Especially when they begin to explore the
desire she s harbored for so long.
But the partners are holding out on Lacey. Determined to suppress the most extreme facets of their
lust, they agree to settle for sharing the woman they crave while concealing their desire for each
other. Until Lacey cracks their resolve, unleashing a torrent of emotions that threatens to distract them
when they can least afford it.
Their blossoming relationship is complicated by secrets. And the only way to evade the killer
threatening their lives is to bare their souls in the darkest hours of the night. Or everything will come
crashing down, just before the dawn.
Enjoy the following excerpt for Night Is Darkest:
Tyler huddled into his charcoal wool jacket to avoid the chill as he slunk across the frosted lawn
to the backdoor of the apartment he shared with Mason. Above it, a single hundred-watt bulb made an
ineffective beacon welcoming him home in the early morning glow. The dread pumping through his
nervous system rivaled any he d experienced as a teenager praying he d evade MomDAR after a late-
night excursion. Only, this time, his roommate inspired the apprehension instead of the debauchery
that had earned the repercussions.
He estimated his chance of making it inside undetected to be about as abysmal as the chance of
wiping the memory of burying himself in Lacey s virgin pussy from his mind. But, son of a bitch, even
a lifetime of torment knowing exactly what he was missing would be worth the taste of rapture
he d stolen.
Now he had to pay for it.
Tyler paused to consider the merits of jimmying a window before he abandoned hope and squared
his shoulders in preparation for the come-to-Jesus ass chewing he deserved. The metal stairs creaked
by design as he ascended. They d worked hard to make this place their own as much as possible for a
no-frills rental unit. No one could slip in with them unaware. They d seen too much shit during their
time on the force to be less than vigilant at home.
He cringed when an image of the crime scene including Rob s mutilated body as a gruesome
centerpiece flashed, unbidden, into his mind. Fuck Mason. Fuck his iron willpower. Ty d needed
Lacey as much as she d needed him last night. Her soft innocence paired with fiery desire had [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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