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in deionized water [2] spolimeryzowanych występowały praktycznie w formie
Wpływ transformacji form glinu na skuteczność oczyszczania wody z zastosowaniem koagulantów spolimeryzowanych 21
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8. Z. CHEN, Z. LUAN, Z. JIA, X. LI: Study on the hydrolysis
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precipitation behavior of Keggin Al13 and Al30 polymers in
szym udziale form polimerowych glinu. DominujÄ…cym me- polyaluminum solutions. Journal of Environmental Manage-
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10. M. YAN, D. WANG, J. NI, J. QU, C. CHOW, H. LIU: Me-
1. M. KAOS, J. GUMICSKA: Wykorzystanie pomiaru liczby czÄ…stek chanism of natural organic matter removal by polyalu-
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Guminska, J. Effect of Changes in Al Speciation on the of 4.8 to 5.0, the products obtained from the hydrolysis of
Efficiency of Water Treatment with Pre-hydrolyzed high-polymerized coagulants practically contained alumi-
Coagulants. Ochrona Srodowiska 2011, Vol. 33, No. 2, num in dissolved form; when the coagulants being hydro-
pp. 17 21. lyzed included a high proportion of monomers, the hydro-
Abstract: The efficiency of pre-hydrolyzed coagulants lysis products contained aluminum not only in dissolved
at removing natural organic matter (NOM) from water is but also in precipitated form. During coagulation in this pH
influenced by the extent to which they have been hydroly- range, PACl3 was found to be the most efficient among the
zed, by the type of the pollutants being removed, and the reagents tested. Coagulation conducted over the pH range
conditions under which the coagulation process is conduc- of 7.5 to 7.9 failed to provide optimal conditions for the
ted. Ferronometry tests have revealed that upon the addi- removal of organic matter since no difference was observed
tion of polyaluminum chlorides (PACl1, PACl2 and PACl3) in the efficiency of water treatment between the coagulant
the change in the content of monomeric species (Al1) was with the highest and the coagulant with the lowest propor-
insufficient to exert an influence on the efficiency of the co- tion of polymerized aluminum. The dominating mechanism
agulation process, irrespective of the pH applied. However, that governed NOM removal under such conditions was the
the pH of the water was found to be a factor that affected mechanism of sweep coagulation.
the mechanism of the process and was strongly influenced Keywords: Coagulation, pre-hydrolyzed coagulants,
by the characteristics of the coagulants, as well as by the polyaluminum chloride, natural organic matter, transfor-
mode of NOM occurrence in the water. Over the pH range mation of Al species. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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