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Fuck. He glanced away.  It s time for us to go, Zoe. And time for him to do his job.
Falling for her wasn t the plan. But it s too late.
Too late for us both.
The Vine. Decadent. Massive.
Victor strode inside the casino. Night had fallen, the perfect time to launch their rescue bid. All of
the FBI agents he needed were in place for this operation. And, despite Cain Blair s fury, the FBI had
swooped in, taking over jurisdiction in this case.
The Vine was no low end casino. It was a place that tailored to the wealthy. From the gleaming
marble floor beneath his feet to the massive chandelier over his head every inch of the place
screamed money.
A lot of it.
Money that he and his team knew hadn t exactly come from legal sources.
 Are you sure you re ready for this? Victor murmured. His gaze cut to her and shit, for a
moment, he could only stare.
He d thought Zoe was beautiful. He d known she was beautiful. But tonight& tonight her long,
dark hair tumbled around her shoulders. Make-up made her eyes smolder and her red lips gleam.
And her body&
Holy fuck. He d had no idea the red dress would look so amazing on her. It hugged her body so
perfectly. It was a dress that made him hard and desperate.
One that made him&
Want her. More than ever.
He wanted to forget the mission. Forget the whole freaking end-goal. He wanted to take her out of
there. To just vanish with her.
To vanish, while she still looked at him as if he were some kind of hero. When Victor knew he
was far, far from that.
 I m ready. Her lips curved upward, but the smile didn t reach her eyes. The diamond earrings
glittered on her ear lobes. Her listening device wasn t activated, not yet. Per his order. He d shown
her how to turn it on, though. A quick depression to activate. Another to turn the transmitter off.
When the time was right, he d get her to use those earrings.
Victor knew the video cameras in that place were running. He saw the small security devices
strategically located throughout the casino. Victor was sure that he and Zoe would be catching
attention very soon.
In this place, the right people would know exactly who she was.
And what she was worth.
Her arm was wrapped around his. She walked beside him, poised, confident, breath-takingly
 You have the knife, right? Victor asked her as they began to climb the long, spiral staircase that
led to the second level of the casino. A giant, glittering Christmas tree had to be at least twenty feet
tall stood at the base of that staircase.
 Yes, she said, her voice husky and soft.  For at least the tenth time, I have the knife. It s hidden
in my bra.
He almost smiled. His crew was listening to every word that he said, thanks to the device that he
wore. Other agents and cops were already inside the casino. In fact, he d just caught a glimpse of
Cain, looking calm and relaxed as he lifted a glass of champagne and flirted with a scantily-clad
They reached the top of the stairs. He saw a security guard watching them, a man wearing a light
gray suit coat who stared at Zoe with narrowed eyes.
 Whatever happens, Victor said,  we stay together.
He made his way to the craps table. Zoe was at his side. He made a show of kissing her hand
right before he put down a bet. When he won, instantly doubling his money, Victor smiled broadly at
the crowd around him.  She s my good luck charm.
He set up another bet. Kissed her hand once more, and reached for the dice&
Another win.
The group at the table cheered. Zoe was silent and the guard who d been watching him& the guy
was on the move. The guard touched his ear piece and spoke softly as he closed in on Victor.
Guess it s show time.
Because he did love a good game, Victor threw the dice once more. Only this time, he lost. While
the group murmured sympathetically, Victor just smiled.  The house has the advantage. But not for
The guard tapped his shoulder.  Sir, may I have a moment?
Zoe stiffened next to him.
Once more, Victor caught her hand. He kissed her knuckles and gave her fingers a little squeeze.
It s okay, baby. I have this. You can trust me.
He wasn t going to let her down. When he d had Zoe in bed with him, safe in his arms, his mind
had finally cleared and he d realized what he needed to do.
Somehow, someway, he was going to keep her at his side. When the smoke cleared from this
case, he wouldn t lose her. He couldn t. Zoe mattered. Simple fact.
Zoe. Mattered.
 Sir? The guard pressed.
Victor glanced at him.  You guys have a rule here against losing?
The guard s expression was tense.  You ve been invited to the VIP lounge. His gaze cut to Zoe.
 You and the lovely lady.
 VIP, huh? He curled his arm around Zoe s waist and brought her in closer to him. Victor was
wired with the smallest of devices, and he knew that both the FBI guys and Cain s crew would be
hearing every word uttered right then.  How can we pass up on an invitation like that one?
The guard s expression never changed.  You can t.
No, he hadn t thought that they could.
The guard turned on his heel and marched toward the elevator bank on the right.
 Not very friendly, is he? Zoe murmured.
 I don t think friendliness is high on his priority list. He didn t hurry after the guy. Victor just
took his time strolling casually through the crowd. Keeping Zoe close.
The guard didn t go to the main line of elevators. He walked past them, then stopped at an
elevator that was accessible only with a keycard. He swiped his card, and the doors opened. The
guard motioned for Victor and Zoe to step inside.
The doors began to close.
Zoe s hand flew out, triggering the sensors.  What happens in the VIP lounge?
The guard a guy who looked around twenty-five gave a rough sigh.  Heaven. What could [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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