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 It s Ava, our new daughter, Trevor said.
Shane gave the doctor a brief description of
how and where they d found her. If the situation
shocked Doc, he was good at hiding it. He just
ordered a battery of tests. While they waited,
Trevor managed to get a comb and he began to
carefully work the tangles out of Ava s hair.
Soon Hawks and felines alike were stopping by
to drop off clothing that their children had
outgrown. Others brought toys and sweets for
Ava. Trevor let her have the toys, but made her
wait to eat any candy until she had eaten her tray
of dinner. By the time Doc was finished with her,
Ava was wearing a pink Hello Kitty pajama set
and sucking a large lollypop.
Shane and Trevor loaded her up in the car and
made the short drive to their farmhouse. Shane
had to carry her to the spare bedroom because
she d fallen asleep on the way home. Making sure
to leave a nightlight on, they tucked her into bed
and then went to their own room.
 As soon as she gets up in the morning, I ll take
her to the mall so she can decorate the room the
way she wants, Trevor said as he began to pull
off his clothes.
A Very Shaney Valentine
Shane let out a loud yawn as he took off his
own clothes.  I think it would be a good idea if
she saw Doctor North, too. In fact I think I should
also see him.
Trevor froze, a look of shock on his utterly
adorable face.  Are you serious?
 Why? Do you think there is something wrong
with me seeing a shrink?
Trevor smiled as he ran his hand down Shane s
bare chest.  No, not at all. I m just surprised.
Every time somebody brought it up in the past,
you always told them to go fuck themselves.
Shane took a deep breath, one thing that he
loved about their relationship was how he could
reveal anything to Trevor and his mate wouldn t
think any less of him for it.  When I was watching
Ackley and Tatum laugh and get off on the killing
today, it made me disgusted when I realized
something. That s exactly how I am.
As always, Trevor rushed to his defense.  No,
you re nothing like them.
Shane put a finger over Trevor s lips.  Yeah, I
am. You re just the only one who s blind to it. But
now that I ve seen how twisted those two look, I
realize that maybe I m not over everything that
happened to me in the past and maybe it wouldn t
hurt to talk it out.
Trevor placed a small kiss on the pad of Shane s
finger before pulling it away.  Doctor North has
Stephani Hecht
been dying to get you on his shrink couch from
the day he came to the coalition. He s going to flip
with happiness when you actually set up an
appointment with him.
 I m also going to suggest that Tatum and
Ackley see him. They have some major anger
issues and coming from me that means a lot.
Trevor leaned in and gave Shane a kiss that was
so tender and sweet, it drove away the last of the
lingering darkness from the mission. Pulling just
far enough apart to talk, Trevor whispered,  Now
it s time for me to give you your gift.
Body humming with arousal, Shane asked,
 Really, and just what is that?
Holding up a pair of red, silk scarves, Trevor
smiled.  Lie down and I ll show you.
A Very Shaney Valentine
Chapter Five
hane s heart skipped a beat as he stared at the
scarves. Since he d been freed of the iron
control of his now dead master, Shane had never
allowed himself to be tied down in any fashion.
Just the thought of being immobile and helpless to
the whims of somebody else scared him more than
almost anything else.
Then he gazed into Trevor s eyes, seeing the
love and devotion in them, and Shane knew that
there was no way his mate would ever hurt him.
Swallowing hard, Shane gave a curt nod and laid
When he made contact with the sheets, he
realized that Trevor has changed them and,
instead of the usual cotton, silk met Shane s back.
He tensed, waiting for Trevor s next move. Instead
of going to Shane, Trevor moved around the room
and lit several candles, the soft glow of the flame
playing perfectly on Trevor s soft features.
Only then did Trevor turn to get on the bed.
Stephani Hecht
Straddling Shane s hips, Trevor ordered,  Lift
your arms and grab onto the headboard.
Shane only hesitated a moment before he did as [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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